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Spanda refers to the creative pulse, the divine activity of existence. Spanda in us is therefore spiritual dynamism, the causa sine qau non of all our activity. In Spanda® Yoga we value each unique person’s inner direction and impulse to live, learn, heal and grow. This is synonymous to Joseph Campbell’s advise to “following your bliss” and to not let anyone convince you otherwise. When we do so we're allowing the spanda-shakti within to guide us. 



Spanda®, Spanda® Yoga and Spanda® Yoga Movement Therapy are all the creations of Dr. Jaime Stover Schmitt. 


Spanda Yoga is a style of yoga based in the tradition of Samaya Sri Vidya as brought to the United States by H.H. Sri Swami Rama in the 1970s. Spanda Yoga is informed by various somatic approaches as well as by western medical understanding of the human body and neuroscience. The perspective of Traditional Kundalini Vidya as brought to the west by H.H. Sri Swami Chandrasekharanand is also an underpinning of this work. 



We write the resources other people use. Our lead trainers are highly skilled experts who have taught thousands of hours of classes and workshops to all sorts of populations. Our faculty clinicians (MDs, PTs, OTs, RNs, Dipl. Acs) are yogis who are senior practitioners in their respective fields. Dr. Schmitt has been teaching yoga for over 40 years and training teachers to do the same for over a decade. She's been a practicing yoga therapist since 1988.




See our RESOURCES page on which we share favorite sources, training-prep lists and other resources.



Yoga . Movement . Therapy



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