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Authentic Movement & Somatic Inquiry

The articles below had been published in the Journal of Authentic Movement and Somatic Inquiry (JAMSI) that existed from 2010-2020

Connecting Authentic Movement with Other Practices to Transform Trauma by Aileen Crow

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Spontaneous Risings Part One: Joan S. Harrigan, Ph.D., (Designated Successor of the Traditional Kundalini Science lineage) talks with Jaime Stover Schmitt about Kundalini and Spontaneous Movement

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Spontaneous Risings Part Two: Jaime talks with Joan S. Harrigan about Kundalini Risings

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Health and the Body: A Tantric View by Rudolph Ballentine, M.D.

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Everyday Healing:

A Collage of Experiences

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Among the Redwoods by Paul Herriot

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Yoga . Movement . Therapy



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